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October 2022 ANC 5B Community Meeting

ANC 5B will hold its October meeting on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, at 6:30pm. This meeting will be virtual.

How to Join the Meeting

Join online:
Click here: Webex meeting link
Meeting ID: 2306 764 0677
Meeting password: mpGuJfcB422

One-tap mobile:

Call in: 
Meeting ID: 2306 764 0677


We will vote on ANC 5B’s proposed FY23 budget, which we presented to the community at our September monthly meeting. You can view the proposed budget here and below. Please let me know if you have any feedback to share!

October 5

October 2022 ANC 5B Committee of the Whole (COW) Meeting

December 7

December 2022 ANC 5B Committee of the Whole (COW) Meeting